campus resources

campus resources

The engine overhaul lab from the Aviation Technology Center

Labs and Tutoring

We all find ourselves struggling with procrastination and our academics at some point. Luckily there are people and places we can go to on campus for help!
Four students walking outside during a blizzard

Housing for Inclement Weather

"In the event that weather prevents our commuting students from being able to travel home, we (the Vincennes Campus) will provide emergency accommodations. All students should report to the front desk of Vanderburgh Hall to secure temporary lodging. Separate wings have been identified for male and female students. These accommodations will provide students with a place to stay until roads are passable and they are able to travel home safely. "    - From Housing and Residential Life

As winter weather is expected, and sometimes unexpected, students are encouraged to travel with a small overnight bag including a blanket, pillow, change of clothes, phone charger, toiletries, etc. 

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